I have been using ChatGPT Plus in conjunction with a Certificate in AI Automation from Vanderbilt University. Overall ChatGPT has been fantastic, easy(ish) to use and the course has filled in a few of the basics that I skipped over when learning about AI and Prompts.
However, ChatGPT has just release a new access subscription tier that enables you to use their latest models that are nearly UpToDate with their knowledge cut offs.
This caused two very real and distinct problems.
- Somehow I was automatically upgraded to the higher tier. 10x greater charge per month $20 to $200 NO WAY DID I NEED IT OR WANTED IT.
- In the process someone opened the access to my chats. . . meaning others were able to use my account to ask away.
after 2 days of stop payment and multiple interactions with their chatbots I was able to cancel the subscription and access my account
Net check your accounts and interface often.
#oldfraud is #newfraud