Watch your Chats List in ChatGPT you never know what or who may show up. . .

I have been using ChatGPT Plus in conjunction with a Certificate in AI Automation from Vanderbilt University. Overall ChatGPT has been fantastic, easy(ish) to use and the course has filled in a few of the basics that I skipped over when learning about AI and Prompts.

However, ChatGPT has just release a new access subscription tier that enables you to use their latest models that are nearly UpToDate with their knowledge cut offs.

This caused two very real and distinct problems.

  1. Somehow I was automatically upgraded to the higher tier. 10x greater charge per month $20 to $200 NO WAY DID I NEED IT OR WANTED IT.
  2. In the process someone opened the access to my chats. . . meaning others were able to use my account to ask away.


after 2 days of stop payment and multiple interactions with their chatbots I was able to cancel the subscription and access my account

Net check your accounts and interface often.

#oldfraud is #newfraud

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